Ask An Architect is our signature platform of information, resources, education and tools specifically for those undertaking home renovations

When building this platform, our aim was to improve your renovations. When building this platform, our aim was to improve your renovation journey by sharing our hard-earned experience of what works, what doesn’t, and the milestones and considerations along the way. Hopefully this will save you time and stress, and allow you to put your energy into the areas that matter in your renovation.
Our support and advice comes from the professional and personal world. We are highly experienced architects, designers and habitual renovators ourselves, with a 25 year track record in the industry. We have also renovated (and flipped) several of our own houses while raising young families and building our business – we understand the pain points of a renovation and what it takes to get the most out of your home.
We are obsessed with finding the best arrangements, the best processes, products and people to make your renovation a resounding success.
Designing and building homes should be an exhilarating, exciting creative journey… but it can often be the opposite for first time renovators. There can be lots of inefficiency in building projects, especially with decision-making and supply / ordering of parts, and a project can quickly slip behind schedule and become stressful. Our vision is to give you solid, professional advice from highly experienced experts which helps your project run smoothly and successfully. Renovating a home of any size is a lengthy, intensive undertaking and we would love you to enjoy the process and come out the other side with your dream home that works beautifully and supports you in your everyday life.

Good Luck!
About Georgina…
Georgina Wilson is the founder and principal of Georgina Wilson Associates, bringing with her over 20 years experience designing award-winning homes and commercial spaces.

As the creative director and principal architect, Georgina’s designs offer both beauty and practicality, with each project facilitated by her talented team, under her expert instruction.
Georgina takes great pride in translating the all-important client/ designer conversation into spaces and structures that are illustrative of the way each of her clients want to uniquely live, work and play.
Having won a number of prestigious architecture design awards as well as acting as a judge for architecture and design awards programs, Georgina’s reputation is highly regarded by peers and happy clients alike.
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